Spirit Wisdom
"A Place Where Spirit Comes To Guide & Heal
To Heal, Improve & Transform your LIFE, BODY & SOUL"
From The Higher Realms For Your Highest Good
Becoming Spirit Wise Book
Becoming Spirit Wise Book
Monthly Masterclass: PDSA
(Psychic Development & Spiritual Awareness)
When: every 3rd Thursday of month
Basic 10am- 11:30am
Premium 10am -12pm
Basic= $30 ($35 with recording)
Premium = $45 ($50 with recording)
Moved to Online Zoom
Tarot Talk about a random Tarot card
Short meditation to open up chakras & connect to your main guide,
Exercise: what’s in the box practice warming up exercise
Topic: To be announced as topics are either guided to discuss and/or requested by attendees between masterclasses
Q&A: Any specific experiences
Crystal for the month spiritually guided personally for you.
Practice whatever tool/s or methods as you give readings to each other
Premiums get extra half hour practice from 11:30am - 12pm
Simply register your position every month via email or text.
Payment for each masterclass is due BEFORE the day, so I know who & how many are attending.